A new Return to Work scheme for South Australia

From 1 July 2015 the existing WorkCover scheme will be replaced with the new Return to Work scheme.

The Return to Work scheme will save South Australian employers at least $180 million every year.

The focus of the Return to Work scheme is early intervention. This means if one of your employees has a work injury and requires time off work you will receive early, intensive and tailored support to assist their return to work.

The legislation also provides a number of improvements to the current WorkCover scheme for injured workers, including:

  • the restoration of payments during disputes;
  • improved strategies to equip workers who may not be in a position to return to their pre-injury
  • employment to better compete for work in the open labour market;
  • targeted return-to-work services as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach;
  • the creation of an employment facilitation fund to assist workers to develop skills, knowledge,
  • capacity and capabilities that will enable them to transition to other work; and
  • a dispute resolution process which will increase the speed at which disputes are heard and determined.

In 2015 WorkCoverSA will become ReturnToWorkSA and will be responsible for implementing and administering the Return to Work scheme.

More information regarding the changes will be provided to businesses early next year.

The legislation as passed is available here.